Bobby Peloso's professional portrait

My Skills

This page provides a snapshot of my programming skills, including my experience with different programming languages, front-end development, and various modules and frameworks I've worked with.




I consider myself an intermediate Python developer. I have experience with functions, classes, object-oriented programming (OOP), and working with various libraries.



I am a beginner in HTML, currently learning the fundamentals and using this page as a hands-on learning exercise.



While I'm still in the early stages of mastering JavaScript, I have a solid understanding of the basics and am continuing to build on that knowledge.



I'm still relatively new to SQL, but I have a good grasp of the basics. I've worked with MySQL and SQLAlchemy, and I'm improving my query-building skills.

Front-End Development

Front-end development is my gateway into programming. While I initially started with template-based websites, I'm now focusing on more custom projects. Below are two examples of websites I've worked on:

Healthier Baby Living

This site was built using Shopify's built-in templates, with custom code added for product image and description presentation.

Topper Fitness

I contributed to this site by refining the design and formatting, although the basic structure was already in place when I joined the project.

Back-End Development

My journey into programming began with a strong interest in back-end development, and Python was my first language. I enjoy crafting logical, efficient solutions that drive full-stack applications. Below are a few back-end focused projects I've worked on:

Website Scraping App

This web app, built from the ground up, helps me manage equestrian accounts at CareCredit by allowing me to search large databases of veterinary providers for equestrian services. I used Beautiful Soup 4 to scrape and process the data. The complete code is available on my GitHub.

Poke Show

This project demonstrates how I integrated a popular API with a custom, styled front-end. The back-end handles dynamic API calls, and the full code is available on my GitHub.

Modules & Frameworks

I have worked with and am proficient in the following modules and frameworks: